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  • The idea that men and women are very different in their psychological mechanism is probably well known to everybody. We know that women think and behave in a different way than we do.

    And yet, men keep making the same mistake, and try to convince and persuade women to date them.

    You can see so many men trying to bribe women with buying them drinks, taking them out to fancy restaurants, and showing off with how wealthy and successful they are.

    Many men believe that in order to be attractive to women they need a high-income job, a big apartment and a luxurious car. But this is so not true. They kind of know guys who succeed with women without having any of that. Any yet, they keep their beliefs and dreams alive.

    So what are the real things that women want? What do women find attractive in a man?

    Different Attraction Mechanisms


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    Before you even begin learning techniques to attract women, you must understand that women and men are attracted to different things, to different qualities.

    Men are biologically attracted mainly to female physical looks. Biologically, a woman who will give birth to the healthiest children is a young woman with a curvy body. So in general men will be looking for beauty, large breasts, round ass and so on. So men are mostly attracted to looks.

    However, women are different. Biologically women are weaker, and especially because she is going to be pregnant, she needs a man to protect her and provide her. Today, it might be not that true, but historically, biologically that’s what a woman will be looking for.

    What male characteristics are connected to the ability to protect the woman? Well, there are a few:

    Physical Strength – Being a physically strong man is an advantage that makes women attracted to you. Physically strong means having muscles, or doing some physical work. Therefore, if a girl sees you jogging or at the gym, gives  you some points. Height can also be an advantage, but you can’t really control your height, right?

    Social Skills and Leadership – This is a very strong quality to attract women. According to various researches, women are very attracted to leaders (“kings”), because during the long human history, mating with the leader gave women the highest chances to survive. Women will “recognize” the leader by his social skills – if she sees you interacting with people, telling stories, etc – she will immediately feel attraction towards you.

    Pre-Selection and Social Proof – Women not only look at your behavior. They also check what other people think about you. Social Proof means that other people like you. Pre-Selection means that other women are attracted to you. So women see what other people think of you, and based on that they feel attracted or not.

    Taking Care Of Loved Ones – Eventually, a woman will be looking for your care and protection. So if she sees that you take care of your friends and people that you love, she will like you.

    These quality are a partial list, but they are a good example of masculine qualities that women are attracted to.

    Showing Masculine Behavior

    So as you can see, women are attracted to masculine behavior. But let’s say you meet a girl in a bar. She doesn’t really have the opportunity to know you. Maybe you are a very social guy, but how can you show it to her?

    Well, that’s why meeting women in bars and clubs is such a complicated art. Taking care of your body is a good idea for night venues. But that’s just a tip. You still can attract women if you’re not a body builder.

    The main tip that I give for night clubs and bars, is to behave socially. I always begin the night by meeting new people. I talk to men, to unattractive women, to the staff. I show all the women around that I’m the most social guy there.

    And when I begin an interaction with a girl, I use my stories to show my attractive qualities. I don’t tell her what a great man I am. Instead, I tell it to her indirectly. For example, I can tell her a story, and between the lines I can mention how I helped one of my friends (taking care of loved ones).

    What you need to do, is to use all kinds of methods to convey your attractive masculine qualities.

    Do Women Know What Attracts Them?

    Most women don’t really know what attracts her. They know that physical looks are not that important, and can even be insulted if a guy wants them only based on looks.

    If you ask a woman, she won’t really know what she wants. This happens because we live in a society that is against this attraction mechanism. It seems not right.

    In fact, the way men and women are attracted is not considered very politically correct. Men want women with big tits and ass. And women want “masculine guys”.

    However, we can’t really change it. Even if you are a really nice guy, and you think you will love the woman and be interesting to her – you still need to make her attracted to you using the old methods.

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